The creator of The Dad curates the best memes for dads to laugh at after a tough day of changing diapers and calming tantrums.
I love how Simba acts sad when Mufasa dies as if he didn't just perform a choreographed musical number called I Just Can't Wait To Be King
Keys to a happy relationship: Taking turns deciding who gets to be in a bad mood and sharing snacks.
Emily Elizabeth has the Pringles Guy's mustache on her forehead, and other things I think about when I can't sleep.
When you're playing hide and seek with your son and you realize he probably won't need that college savings account after all...
I don't care who you are, when you've had 3 cranberry vodkas and Journey comes on you become a small town girl living in a lonely world.
Back in my day, when times were tough and we felt like we couldn't even, we evened anyway.